
Drata Integration - automatically sync evidence of compliance training

by SafeStack

Drata is a security and compliance automation platform that continuously monitors and collects evidence of a company's security controls. Security training provided by SafeStack forms an integral part of a robust compliance and security control strategy.

We are happy to announce our new Drata integration functionality, allowing customers to automatically upload completion evidence of their learners’ security training, from SafeStack, into Drata.

Just pick the learning paths you want to track when setting up the integration and you’re good to go! When users complete their learning paths, an evidence PDF will be generated and uploaded to Drata automatically, marking their own security training as completed within Drata.

This removes the hassle of uploading evidence manually for your team and keeps compliance information in Drata up to date.

If your organization is using, or planning to use Drata to automate compliance related tasks, check out our Drata integration today.

Set up SafeStack Drata integration

Analyze learner engagement with the new, visual, Learning Path Statistics Report

by SafeStack

We’ve just released the new Learning Path Statistics report to help our group leaders analyze learning path engagement, participation and completion over time.

This new report contains 3 types of graphs, each designed to highlight key pieces of information that help you better understand the effectiveness of your learning paths and security training.

Graph 1: Learning Path Course engagement

This graph highlights the engagement of your learning path at the course level. It can help answer questions like:

  1. What courses are being fully completed by my learners?

  2. What courses are being started but not completed by my learners?

  3. What courses are not being started at all by my learners?

  4. What courses are most engaging, and which ones are my learners not too interested in?

Graph 2: Learning Path Engagement

This pie chart compares the percentage of your learners that have not yet started, started and completed your learning path as a whole. This can help group leaders visualize learning path engagement easily. Over time, one would want the red slice to reduce in size and the green slice to increase in size.

Graph 3: Learning Path completion over time

This graph plots the cumulative percentage of users that have completed the learning path, over time. This is really useful to understand how quickly your team is ramping up with their training and how much training there is still left to be done, before you hit the learning path due date (if there is one).

Other functionality

Graph toolbar

The graph toolbar (top right of every graph) can be used to download the graph in the PNG or SVG format. You can also download the raw data behind the graph, by downloading using the CSV format option.

For time series graphs (like the Learning Path completion over time graph), you can also zoom in/out or drag and select a specific time range you want to explore within the whole period.

Reports page

We’ve made minor changes to the Reports page to separate individual reports from group reports much more clearly.

More interesting changes ahead

In the future, we plan to add more functionality to these reports to take them a step further, making it easy for group leaders to communicate with their learners about their training. But we will have more on that later!

We hope you enjoy the new changes in SafeStack and are always open to feedback, suggestions or concerns.

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