
Platform Status Page

by SafeStack

Incidents and outages - nobody likes them, but they tend to happen every now and then.

We here at SafeStack are not immune to them. So if and when they do happen in the future, we endeavour to provide all our users with accurate and up-to-date information about them, so you know when your favourite secure development training provider is back to normal.

Our new SafeStack Status Page will highlight any current incident or outage causing service degradation on our learning platform. You can access the status page

  • from within the platform, from the top navigation bar

Visit the status page

Introducing email notifications

by SafeStack

Keeping learners up-to-date and engaged with their progress is now easier with the release of email notifications. Learners and Group Leaders can now receive emails about their Learning Paths and any upcoming seminars hosted by SafeStack.

Learners can customize their email notification preferences and choose what emails they would like to receive from their Profile section.

We’ll be adding more types of email notifications over time, and if you think there’s a notification that can benefit your learners please let us know!